Donnerstag, 12. Dezember 2013

No. 346

29,7 x 21 cm - digital collage
So fühle ich mich heute, ich habe so Kopfschmerzen, 
dass es sich anfühlt als würde mein Kopf explodieren!

This is how I feel today, I've such severe headaches 
that it feels as if my head would explode.

4 Kommentare:

  1. sweet busy bee barbara
    i feel for you
    and now how it feels.... no good
    but that you still could make such a fine, FINE!, collage

    hope you feel better soon
    and a big soft hug

  2. not now how it feels
    nut KNOW how it feels


  3. Hi Patrice, ha I often have the same problem, thinking know and writing now - I didn't even realize it in the first place, haha. And I know! that we are sister is suffering of stupid headaches, yesterday was hell, really. Today ist better, but not gone, sometimes it takes 3 days... but THANK YOU so much for feeling with me.
    Hugs barbara


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