Samstag, 9. Februar 2013

G I V E A W A Y !!!!!!

20 x 20 cm collage -  barbara böttcher
Hello everyone!

after I started  this extra blog for a project of a daily collages and after I survived the 1st month and meanwhile 36 collages, I think it's time to celebrate this and the 329 still to go (phew) and announce a GIVEAWAY!!!
I like to give away 3 collage prints.
The only thing you have to do is sign in as a follower and tell me which collage you want to win!
I'll proclaim the 3 winners on wednesday the 13th february.

So good luck to you and please spread the word!


What's on your worksdesk wednesday?

A HUGH Mess as you can see. These are the dark side of the collage making!
I definitely need some cleaning and organisation! Help.


24 Kommentare:

  1. sweet Barbara!
    I would LOVE to win number 16
    and I follow you
    I do!

    Patrice A.

  2. Dear Barbara, oh this is a hard choice! 10, 32, 16........
    What a lovely giveaway.
    I am one of your happy followers already.
    xo Carole

  3. I came over here several times before but now i'm a 'follower' ;)
    i told you my favorites i an earlier comment but that was before i saw nr.25, xx

  4. yep!
    this is the one i REALLY love!

  5. I'm RIGHT behind tiny woolf...I love the bird too...but BarbaraBee, all of your work is genius and I'd love anything. Awesome giveaway!!! *smiles* Norma, xo

  6. ich habe den blog über die drawing challenge gefunden

    mein Favourit ist die Nummer 9

    liebe Grüße olga

  7. I really like # 26
    I've been meaning to follow this blog for awhile but have been peeking in a lot- thanks for the incentive :) and I look forward to watching it grow!

  8. gerade hier herein gestolpert und schnell gefolgt. ich mag deine collagen wirklich! ALLE! am besten finde ich aber Nummer 4, 8 und 16. liebste grüßleins, anne/

  9. X brave lady what a commitment, number 33 is my favourite so far, good luck and have fun.

  10. nr 14! ich hab nochmal alle durchgesehen, die entscheidung war schwer, weil einfach alle so toll sind.
    auch wenn ich mich wiederholen sollte: großartiges projekt mit spannendem thema hast du dir vorgenommen!
    liebe grüße von mano

  11. von herzen gern
    bin ich dir auf der stelle gefolgt;)
    ich finde es nahezu unmöglich mich zu entscheiden,
    immerhin bist du die königin der collagen...
    na gut.16 oder 26!
    xox, julia

  12. Liebe Barbara, tolle Kunstwerke! Ich Liebe die Uferschnäpfe besonders gerne. Liebe Grüße, Éva

  13. Danke, das ist ja eine schöne Idee, also dann bitte "perfect day" für mich, ja?
    x Stefanie

  14. wow!! you have set yourself quite a challenge!! there are so many stunning pieces, but so far no. 17 speaks to me the most... i may add another choice before the deadline, though :)
    thanks for stopping by already and leaving a lovely comment :)
    happy WOYWW and have a great week!
    no. 5

  15. Think you definitely need a tidy there but well done on the collages. Thanks for popping by my desk - Happy WOYWW BJ #9

  16. Your collages are beautiful and I love the crafty busyness on your desk. Happy Wednesday. :o)
    Sue x (MiniOwner@127)

  17. Great collages, something that there is a definite art to. Well done you on achieving those stunning pieces.
    Thanks for the visit to my blog and happy WOYWW.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  18. Beautiful collages! Messy equals fun! Thanks for visiting me. Happy WOYWW! Nan 28

  19. WOW does not matter that your desk is a mess...your art is amazing. Thanks for visiting my blog for my first WOYWW~
    Christina 26

  20. The desk is a dream come true. I'd love to just pop by and play...! :) N, x

  21. love your project! congrats on getting so many done.
    i couldn't decide which i like best out of #8, 11 + 13! hard to chose!
    thanku :)

  22. That is the desk of some serious crafting, no mess there!! LOL Love the black and white photos you have on the desk too, will look forward to seeing what you do with those. Annette

  23. great effort Barb good luck you will be collaging in your sleep by the end of it heeheehee!

    I feel no. 36 is the one for me just divine.

    Helen x

  24. I can't decide between #9 and #24
    Thank you! keep going!


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