Dienstag, 21. Mai 2013

No. 141

20 x 20 cm

Another page 7 ! already completed!

Das Jahr rast vorbei und das mittlerweile schon 140 Tage lang! Soviele Collagen sind mittlerweile schon entstanden, d.h. noch 225 bis "mission completed" ist.
Wenn ihr Zeit und Lust habt, mir euren Favoriten von Nr. 121 bis 140 zu verraten, freue ich mich darüber sehr. Ich bin oft erstaunt und das ist immer interessant.
Danke, BarbaraBee

The year races by meanwhile 140 days long.  So Many collages are now already been obtained, that means another 225 to "mission completed".
If you have the time and desire to tell me your favorites from No. 121 to 140, would please me very much. I'm often amazed and that's always interesting.
Thanks BarbaraBee

Freitag, 3. Mai 2013

No. 123

20 x 30 cm digital collage
and PLEASE don't forget to tell me which one is your favorite of collage no. 101 to 120 (post before)

Donnerstag, 2. Mai 2013

No. 122

20 x 30 cm digital collage
and PLEASE don't forget to tell me which one is your favorite of collage no. 101 to 120 (post before)

What's your favorite?

Another page (6) completed. PLEASE tell me which one is your favorite of no. 101 to 120?
And still 245 to go! Phew!

Mittwoch, 1. Mai 2013

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