Donnerstag, 2. Mai 2013

What's your favorite?

Another page (6) completed. PLEASE tell me which one is your favorite of no. 101 to 120?
And still 245 to go! Phew!

5 Kommentare:

  1. So hard to choose!! My favourites are 110 and 112!!

  2. No. 109 grabs me because of her smile, her pearl necklace and her flowers. This is a beautiful composition. Full of love. N, xo

  3. Nr. 110 ( ist einmalig!!!), dann noch 104.

  4. i very much like, i still do, the fact you put all of your collages together on a page to show, and it does show up like a quilt, you know? a memory quilt, because the style you use becomes so visible in the collection, as the colour tones fade... yeah, great!

  5. es gibt wieder so viele tolle - aber nachdem ich alle nochmal angeschaut habe, bleibe ich bei 115 und 116!
    grüße in den nördlichen norden und viel flohmarktglück am wochenende! mano


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